Insert elements in the left column, in Bootstrap, without affecting the height of the rows in the right column?


Viewed 199 times


How to insert elements in the left column does not affect the height of the rows in the right column; that is, how I make two columns totally independent so that when inserting elements in one column it does not affect at all the other?

If I insert an image in the left column (in this case logo_blank.png), the image of the bike (product1), which is in the right column, moves down. Now, how to make the bike not move it has to stay where it is?

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  • Do you have any code? Without enough information you can’t try to help.

  • Face of more details... Do not affect the height of the column of the side in which direction? Put what version of Bootstrap is in trouble, if possible put a layout image and what you already have of code...

  • I then published the code. If you insert an image in the left column the image of the bike that is in the right column moves down. Now, how to make the bike not move?

  • @user1856464 If you have another question (even if related to this one of the publication) ask a new question with your updated code and the new problem.

  • With the explanation of hugocsl I already understood the problem better. Thank you.

1 answer


I think the problem is that you may not have got as well as the Bootstrap Grid works. Each div classy row represents a line, that is, you will never have a row next to each other, will always be a row down the other, in column. Already inside the row all elements align horizontally, one next to the other, until the line breaks the some element jumps to the bottom space.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Your problem is that you have a row with an image inside and side a div empty, it creates this "empty space" and is breaking your layout. To tidy up just you put the image that is in row bottom on that div empty. So everyone stays the same row.

Look how it would look. Perform in "whole page" to see better.

OBS: If you want a space between the image and the top add one margint-top: 100px for example in the image. I even put the native class there mt-5 which is equivalent to 5rem height, but you can create a css with the margin-top you want and put in the picture...

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