List is not being passed as method parameter


Viewed 171 times


I need to implement the method RoutesBetween to trace the route between a point and another (in this case, point To and And).

Test method:

public void TestRoutesBetweenTwoPoints()
    var links = new ILink<string>[]
        new Link<string>("a","b"),
        new Link<string>("b","c"),
        new Link<string>("c","b"),
        new Link<string>("b","a"),
        new Link<string>("c","d"),
        new Link<string>("d","e"),
        new Link<string>("d","a"),
        new Link<string>("a","h"),
        new Link<string>("h","g"),
        new Link<string>("g","f"),
        new Link<string>("f","e"),

    var graph = new Graph<string>(links);
    var paths = graph.RoutesBetween("a", "e");

    var list = paths.ToEnumerable().ToArray();
    Assert.AreEqual(list.Length, 2);

    Assert.IsTrue(list.Any(l => String.Join("-", 1) == "a-b-c-d-e"));
    Assert.IsTrue(list.Any(l => String.Join("-", 1) == "a-h-g-f-e"));

How will I sweep the list (links) if it is not being passed as method parameter?

The class, constructor and method:

namespace Graph
    public interface IGraph<T>
        IObservable<IEnumerable<T>> RoutesBetween(T source, T target);

    public class Graph<T> : IGraph<T>
        public Graph(IEnumerable<ILink<T>> links)


    publi IObservable<IEnumerable<T>> RoutesBetween(T source, T target)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
  • @Joãomartins I was making this issue now :P

  • So it was for seconds ;)

  • @When asking a question, put the text of your code, avoid using a print from your editor. This makes it much easier for those who will answer your question and present a [MCVE]

  • @Leandroangelo Leandro, Ok... Thank you

1 answer


You can save the "links" reference using the argument passed to the constructor:

public class Graph<T> : IGraph<T>
    private IEnumerable<ILink<T>> links;
    public Graph(IEnumerable<ILink<T>> links)
        this.links = links;

And then access the link variable in the Routesbetween method.

public IObservable<IEnumerable<T>> RoutesBetween(T source, T target)
   // links -> tem valor

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