SQL - Show the top 10 values per month


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I would like to show on the screen the 10 highest donation values of each month of the year 2018 table Doacao.

My database is SQL SERVER. For now I have the following query:

    datename(month,doacao.Doacao_sdt_Data) as Mes,
    doacao.valor as valor_doacao,
    CONVERT(CHAR(10),doacao.Data, 103) as data_doacao
from doacao
inner join pessoa on (doacao.codigo = pessoa.codigo)
where year(doacao.Data) = 2018
order by month(doacao.Data), doacao.valor desc

With this query I see all donations of each month, and if I put a top (10) at the beginning, appears only the first 10 January:

Below images of the result WITHOUT and WITH the Top:

Resultado SEM o TOP

Result with the TOP:

Resultado com o TOP

  • First, you need to define whether your database is Mysql or Oracle.

  • My database is SQL SERVER.

  • (1) What is the difference between the columns Doacao_sdt_Data and Data? (2) How the column is declared Doacao_sdt_Data? (3) If the column Doacao_sdt_Data is declared as datetime, it contains date and time or date only?

  • this name is wrong Doacao_sdt_date the correct date is actually the date,

  • @Josédiz I tried to execute, but the error on this line: "seq= dense_rank over (Partition by year ([Data]), Month ([Data]) ' ------>> ERROR: >>> Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Line 17 Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'over'.

  • I managed to fix the bug. It worked. Thanks. @Josédiz

  • @c3s1 I went to check the error and was dense_rank when the right is dense_rank(). I have also corrected in the code.

  • Exactly what I did, dense_rank() It Worked!! Thank you.

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1 answer


Evaluate the following suggestion, which considers that the column Data is stated as date.

-- código #1 v3
-- informe ano a consultar
declare @Ano smallint;
set @Ano= 2018;

-- variáveis de período anual (garante sargability)
declare @De date, @Ate date;
set dateformat dmy;
set @De= cast ('1/1/' + cast (@Ano as char(4)) as date);
set @Ate= cast ('31/12/' + cast (@Ano as char(4)) as date);

set language brazilian;

with doacao_seq as (
       seq= dense_rank() over (partition by year ([Data]), month ([Data])
                             order by valor desc)
  from doacao
  where [Data] between @De and @Ate
SELECT datename (month, D.Data) as Mes,
       D.valor as valor_doacao,
       convert (char(10), D.Data, 103) as data_doacao
  from doacao_seq as D
       inner join pessoa as P on (D.codigo = P.codigo)
  where D.seq <= 10
  order by month(D.Data), D.seq;

Note that 2 variables were created, @De and @Ate, to contain the selection period. The reason is described in the article "Building Efficient T-SQL Code: Sargability”.

Beyond the function dense_rank(), there is also the function rank(). There is a subtle difference between them; one should evaluate which one should be used to obtain the report. In the article "Window functions (functions window)"there is explanation of operation of these two window functions.

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