As you gave few details I will reply with a simple option. It may be that this option does not work for all cases, but it is an alternative since we do not have too many details.
Option 1: Using box-shadow
. note that this is a property already very well accepted by browsers, even the oldest! It works from I9+
Option 2: Using SVG
. Note that the SVG is well accepted even by the IE from version 9 as you can check here
image taken on IE11

Follow the code referring to the image above.
The option with box-shadow
was made nothing more than an element with several box-shadows
superimposed. In older ies if it does not accept more than one box-shadow
you can superimpose the whole element on each other with position:absolute
The SVG simply uses the Filter
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="5" />
. You can do as in the first example with the filter only in the rect or rect
and in the text
giving the impression that everything is with blur
body {
margin: 10px 0 0 40px;
display: flex;
.box {
width: 115px;
height: 115px;
background-color: red;
top: 10px;
position: relative;
} {
0px 0px 8px 0px red,
0px 0px 8px 0px red,
0px 0px 8px 0px red,
0px 0px 8px 0px red
div {
margin-right: 30px;
<p>DIV com box-shadow</p>
<div class="box bs" >123</div>
<p>DIV com filtro</p>
<div class="box" style="filter:blur(2px); width:120px; height: 120px">123</div>
<p>SVG com defs filter</p>
<svg height="140" width="140">
<filter id="f1" >
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="2" />
<rect x="10" y="10" width="120" height="120" fill="red" filter="url(#f1)" />
<text x="10" y="25" fill="black">123</text>
<p>SVG com defs filter em tudo</p>
<svg height="140" width="140">
<filter id="f1" >
<feGaussianBlur in="SourceGraphic" stdDeviation="2" />
<rect x="10" y="10" width="120" height="120" fill="red" filter="url(#f1)" />
<text filter="url(#f1)" x="10" y="25" fill="black">123</text>
Related: How to make the iCloud dynamic background effect?
– Jorge B.