How to disable Eclipse code replacement for "setters"?


Viewed 169 times


When I create a class in eclipse with a type attribute

public class MinhaClasse{
    private String variavel;

The eclipse underlines the word "variable" in yellow and if I right-click on it, it allows getters and setters to be generated for that variable.

The problem is that it also replaces references in other methods of type code

variavel = x;



I know it doesn’t happen when you use it shift+alt+s and asks to create getters and setters for attributes, but it is much less convenient

It is possible to configure Eclipse not to do this setters?

ps. edited to make the problem clearer

2 answers


Simply that, when opening the window to define the names of the methods (this after you have right-clicked, or CTRL+1 above the field - in your example variavel), you mark the option keep field reference



Window / Preferences -> Java / Debug

There are 4 Checkboxes related to Hot Code Replace. Disabling all of them will solve your problem

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