Is it possible to install Python on Windows 10 without administrator privileges?


Viewed 741 times


I have Python 3 installed, but the default installation was done, in the program files folder. And I work on a machine with a user profile, with strict proxy rules, etc that are long overdue to create around here.

My real problem is that when I try to use PIP, after finally going through the proxy I make an error that I don’t have privileges to install anything in the program files folder. I imagine I would have to uninstall and install again, perhaps, in a folder like C:.

But the above question, one (or all) options is possible below?

  1. Install Python without administrator privileges?

  2. Download and install PIP packages in a location other than the installation of Python on the machine?


  • Have you ever used Python virtual environments? With it you can install the local shape in the project.

  • never used, thanks! I’ll give a study is kind of what is shown in this article?:

  • Yes, that’s exactly it.

2 answers


Making a pendrive model installation ( rolled, however incredible it may seem that I did not need Adm authorization (in windows 10) and still managed to use and update Pip and packages, including using virtual eviroments (venv).

I have set the environment variables for my user and I have Python running without lock, being able to actually port the applications from one side to the other.



You can install in any directory, you will only have problems adding the path installed in the system path variable. For this I believe that adding the user variables works in a good.

On my workstation with python installed through a package normally.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Thank you Ailton, but in this case I would have to uninstall and install Python again right? and point/configure the environment variables manually in the user environment variables... is in fact an output, worth!

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