For with python time


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Good morning Personal!
Can someone help me if it is possible to create a for in Python using timetables?


Set a start time for for and the other ending and the every 1 hour that for run again.

from datetime import datetime
now =

atual = now.hour
hr_final = 10
i = 0

for i in range(int(hr_final - atual)):
    print (atual)

3 answers


I don’t think it’s possible to use a date for the purpose you want.

calculations, operations and the like involving given are famous for obtaining a certain level of inherent 'complexity'.

I think you should broaden the scope of the question and ask yourself:

'It is possible to have a script that runs every 1 hour ?'

There are several ways to do this, I believe that one of the simplest (I will cite it as an example only for which you test) is using an appropriate library. The Twisted is an event-guided library that can be used to execute codes at intervals of time:

from twisted.internet import reactor, task
from os.path import getsize

FILE = '/var/log/syslog'

def monitor(lastsize = [-1])
    size = getsize(FILE)
    if size <> lastsize[0]:
        print 'O tamanho do arquivo agora é %d kilobytes (%d bytes)' % \
              (round(size / 1024.0), size)
        lastsize[0] = size

if __name__ == '__main__'
    print 'Checando a cada um minuto o tamanho do arquivo "%s".' % FILE
    print 'Atenção: esse programa NUNCA termina.'
    l = task.LoopingCall(monitor)

This code for example checks the file size every 1 second. However the use of a library as large and complex as this just to use a simple functionality NAY is recommended, it would be like using a rocket to kill a mosquito.

For a solution implemented by itself I strongly recommend that read this article posted in Python Brazil. There is demonstrated 3 examples of how to execute codes at predetermined intervals in a simple and well explained way.

I hope I’ve helped.


You can do this simply using the Sleep method of the time module

see an example of code that runs every 1 hour.

from time import sleep
from datetime import datetime

hora = 3600

while True:

In the code above we set the Sleep method to "wait" 3600 seconds than 1 hour

  • Thank you very much Rickadt, that’s exactly what I was looking for.


From what I understand you just want to increment the values, so use the object timedelta together with the datetime to increase or decrease variables with date and time:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

inicio =

for i in range(0,10):
    print inicio + timedelta(hours=i)

And get as a result:

2018-12-24 11:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 12:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 13:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 14:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 15:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 16:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 17:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 18:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 19:23:44.750000
2018-12-24 20:23:44.750000

You can use "Seconds", "minutes", "days", "months" etc, alone or together to increment (or decrease) your object datetime.

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