Viewbag does not receive the value correctly


Viewed 85 times


I’m trying to pass a figure on Controller for View, here is how it is in the View:

<div class="alert alert-danger alert-dismissable" role="alert" id="alerta">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-label="Close">
       <span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>

And here’s how it’s in the controller:

if (cod != null && msgm != null)
    ViewData["Mensagem"] = "Código: " + cod + ". Erro: " + msgm;
    obj.model.Message = "Código: " + cod + ". Erro: " + msgm;
    ViewBag.Mensagem = "Código: " + cod + ". Erro: " + msgm;
    return View(obj.model);

But neither of the two receives the values, always stays blank, as if receiving nothing. I don’t know why it happens, I was using ajax to show Alert, I thought it could be this, but I always make it visible, and also the problem occurs.

I’ve tried going by ViewBag, ViewData and even for the same variable, none of them receives.

  • @Messaging is not the same as defined in your Viewbag controller.Message...

  • @Georgewurthmann had already corrected, but it still didn’t work.

  • 1

    @marianac_costa And you can ensure that the execution is falling even in if?

  • @LINQ can yes, debugging he falls into it.

1 answer


In the view you’re calling @ViewBag.Messagem and in Controller the value is being assigned to ViewBag.Mensagem.

Try placing a breakpoint in the view’s Viewbag call to see what value is appearing there.

Sometimes you need to display the value in the view with @Html.Raw:

  • 1

    Your answer is right and should solve the question problem, but the second part is not very accurate. It is only necessary to use @Html.Raw when the text is an HTML that needs to be interpreted.

  • Sorry, when I posted the question, I had pasted the wrong part, even correcting, did not.

  • @marianac_costa So update the question with the right code.

  • I’ve already edited the new way.

  • I was able to solve, but using ajax, by no longer using Submit, but this way works with Submit, thanks.

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