Column type List


Viewed 60 times


I worked a long time with Postgresql and now with SQL Server I have missed some features that made life much easier.
I have for example a table that one of your columns should be a list of strings, namely, a array of sweep (in the postgre it was all very simple):

    id         integer PRIMARY KEY,
    name       varchar(30),
    questions  varchar(50)[]

Unfortunately in SQL Server this is not possible. I could make a second table called QuestionsForMyTable:

CREATE TABLE QuestionsForMyTable (
    id_of_mytable   integer,
    question        varchar(50)

And then do the proper relationship, but hey I fall into the disgrace of having to do one more JOIN.
This is really what I have left or is there a better way out?

  • 1

    Yeah, that’s right, that’s right

2 answers


"not to leave the question unanswered.."

Yes, if there is a list inside an object and it will be taken to the database, a second table must be created that will contain those items from the list; and the way to load the object complete will be through a join:

FROM MyTable
JOIN QuestionsForMyTable ON id = id_of_mytable

According to devmedia definition, "by means of this clause, the data of one table is used to select the data belonging to the other table".


Good afternoon,

This can be done using a Computed Column that returns the values of another table. It can be done as described below.

Create and popular table with elements to power the computed column:

CREATE TABLE QuestionsForMyTable 
    id_of_mytable   integer,
    question        varchar(50)

INSERT INTO QuestionsForMyTable 
    SELECT 1, 'Question 1' UNION
    SELECT 1, 'Question 2'

Create a function that returns the elements of this table to a given Id:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.GetValue(@id int)
RETURNS nvarchar(max)

    DECLARE @ret nvarchar(max)
    SET @ret = ''

    SELECT  @ret = @ret + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10) + question
    FROM    QuestionsForMyTable
    WHERE   id_of_mytable = @id

    RETURN @ret


Create table with computed column based on this function:

    id         integer PRIMARY KEY,
    name       varchar(30),
    questions  as dbo.GetValue(id)

    SELECT 1, 'First set of questions' UNION
    SELECT 2, 'Second set of questions'

In the end, just select to Mytable to get the expected result.

  • (1) Scalar type functions slow down the query execution process; (2) Also, the above solution falls into the problem who was born first: the egg or the chicken, because it requires that the questions have already been previously included. Now, how to insert the questions if the main object does not yet exist?!

  • Yes, such a solution cannot be applied to large volumes of data, it would get slow. For the rest, everything has to do with the mounted architecture, having or not data in one or another table does not prevent its functioning. I think that, here, the only problem may be the slowness with large volumes of data.

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