Order registration by name in alphabetical order


Viewed 72 times


I have some entries that you have the option to filter alphabetically by name. I enter these entries through the append like this:

    `<div class="row" id="corpo-cartoes">
        <div class="col s12 m7" style="width: 100%;">
            <div class="card">
                <a href="cartao.html#${lastId}">

                   <div class="card-image">

                      <div class="gradient-cartao-lista"></div>

                      <img src="${capa}">

                      <span class="card-title"><h1>${data.card.empresa}</h1><p>${data.card.code}</p></span>

                <div class="card-action icone-meu-cartao">

                   <a href="#"><i class="material-icons">star</i></a>

                   <a href="#"><i class="material-icons">crop_free</i></a>

                   <a href="#"><i class="material-icons">visibility</i></a>

                   <a href="cadastro-cartao.html#${lastId}"><i class="material-icons btn-editar">edit</i></a>


Visually it looks like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

I’d like to sort them alphabetically by name.

In my bank, I have these fields: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

To get the name of my existing criminal records do:

var db = getDataBase();
   tx.executeSql('SELECT nome FROM cartoes', [], function(tx, results){
        for(i=0; i<results.rows.lenght; i++){
              var nome = results.rows.item(i).nome;


How do I pick and update them in my list that was inserted with append when the user wants to sort by name?

2 answers


You’re using a for and simply adding the names, if you sort your search probably your problem is solved.

Add a ORDER BY at the end of his SELECT

SELECT nome FROM cartoes ORDER BY nome
  • I would have the names sorted.. but my main doubt is how to update this in the registrations that were inserted with append.

  • 1

    To sort in Javascript you can use the function sort()


Hello, It seems you forgot to add some of your tables anyway, you can remove the data already added in the listing with:


And then add again with the same append, for that could create a function that adds the values:

function addRow(row){
     $(".listagem").append(SEU HTML);

And call by clicking on the sort call the function:

function ordenar(campo, direction = 'asc'){
    var db = getDataBase();
       tx.executeSql('SELECT nome FROM cartoes order by '+campo + ' '+ direction, [], function(tx, results){
            for(i=0; i<results.rows.lenght; i++){
                  //chama função para adicionar os dados


The order by will cause the records to be ordered by the field and direction reported in the function (asc or desc)

  • Function addRow(Row){ $(".listing"). append(YOUR HTML); } in this function I add my html with the data filled? name, id...

  • more or less, you would add your html picking up this Row data, example ${row.nome}, I saw that there is other data that you use inside the html, but you can not know where they come from... If you can improve the question by adding more information I change my answer.

  • Thank you very much, I got!

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