Is there any way to create a moip account through moip’s api?


Viewed 411 times


I’m developing a system of Marketplace and each seller needs to have a MOIP account to receive sales.

As these sellers are very lay I thought about automating this so that they do not need to create a MOIP account, this being created automatically by the system.

Is it possible to do this via API? Or the only way is to mount via CURL?

  • Access the link below and one analyzed in the part that says: "_Co-branded Registration" that says how to send the data of the Marketplace shopkeeper directly to Moip. _Cadastro Co-branded

2 answers


Moip has an API for registration, called "Co-branded registration" aimed at Marketplaces platforms, it can facilitate customer entry into Moip, where you can send the customer data already saved in your database to Moip, and redirect the customer to Moip only so that they register a personal password.

Documentation in PDF format:

Link to full reference solutions for Marketplace:

These Apis are part of the platform v1 of Moip, where you communicate with data in XML.

Later this year Moip will launch its new Apis for Marketplace and provide a new form of API registration.


Recalling that the Moip turned Wirecard. Yes it is possible to create account as Marketplace.

See an example below of how to create transparent account:

$account = $moip->accounts()
  ->setLastName('De Tal')
  ->setEmail('[email protected]')
  ->setIdentityDocument('4737283560', 'SSP', '2015-06-23')
  ->setPhone(11, 66778899, 55)
  ->addAlternativePhone(11, 66448899, 55)
  ->addAddress('Rua de teste', 123, 'Bairro', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP', '01234567', 'Apt. 23', 'BRA')
  ->setCompanyName('Empresa Teste', 'Teste Empresa ME')
  ->setCompanyPhone(11, 66558899, 55)
  ->setCompanyAddress('Rua de teste 2', 123, 'Bairro Teste', 'Sao Paulo', 'SP', '01234567', 'Apt. 23', 'BRA')
  ->setCompanyMainActivity('82.91-1/00', 'Atividades de cobranças e informações cadastrais')

Library: moip-sdk-php

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