Check whether date is even or odd


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I am in need of help with dates in SQL Server.

I have a date field and would like to know if this date is odd or even. Because I need to make this comparison to use in another field. I looked for some methods but I did not reach the solution. I thought about using DATEDIFF but I don’t have another date field to compare.

    CASE WHEN DATEPART(DW, CONVERT(DATE,data_saida)) IN (3) AND porto = 409 

This code I use that this delivery is only on Tuesday. I’m not taking into consideration whether data_output is odd or even. Now came this last-minute demand and I don’t know where to fit properly.

  • 4

    Can describe what an "even date is"?

  • 30 of any month/year is an even date? the validation would only be on the day of the month??

  • Excuse the lack of information. I wonder if on the full date (DD/MM/YYYY) the DD is even or odd. For example today 14/12/2018 (14 > even). These dates I have are within the current month.

1 answer


Use the operator % (mod) whether the date is even or odd.

If the rest of the day split by 2 equals 0 then we have an even number, otherwise it is odd.

Example for SQL Server:

SELECT CASE DAY(data_saida) % 2 WHEN 0
            THEN 'PAR'
       ELSE 'IMPAR'
  • Thanks Pedro. I have a date field already predefined (I’ll leave the code) and I can’t use getdate. The dates already set represent the departure of products from the carriers. However, if the output dates are pair they deliver only from x to y and odd from x to z, for example. I will edit above.

  • I changed the answer to use the data_saida, now just implement the logic in place of 'PAR' and 'IMPAR''

  • Dear Pedro, I am trying to apply the rule in my case but I am not successful. As my case above, I am using this way: WHEN DATEPART(DW, CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),data_saida,103)%2 WHEN 0) IN (3) AND porto = 409 
 THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),data_saida,103)
ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(15),data_saida,103) I am using datepart to specify the days of the week that the deliveries will take place. I understand you’ve already shed some light on me, but you’d have some alternative to that, or I’m doing it the wrong way?

  • Dw is playing the role to inform me that the days of the week, for example: on the dates (data_exit) that fall 1,2,3,4 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) the collection should be made from x to y days. But now I want to inform that if the data_output (dd/mm/yyyy) in addition to fall in 1,2,3,4 and is odd will be on other days and follows the same for even. This date is monthly, in this case the current month. I don’t know if I got it right, but overall it is: if the date left falls on a Friday (12/14/2018) is even, then the date of collection will have to be Monday to Thursday and if odd follows another rule.

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