I would like to know a shortcut of the Intellij IDEA similar to CTRL+D Sublime, which selects all similar objects and is possible to modify them together.
I would like to know a shortcut of the Intellij IDEA similar to CTRL+D Sublime, which selects all similar objects and is possible to modify them together.
At Intellij IDEA, try Alt + J
You can use the middle mouse button (the scroll button) and select the lines vertically, or use the command Shit + Alt + Insert, and use arrows to select the rows and columns you want.
I hope this is what you were looking for.
Hi, thank you, but that’s not quite it. Type I have the main word, select it, give crtl + D and all main are selected, so if I want to modify the name I just type and all main of the file are changed simultaneously, as in Sublime.
Now I understand, and I don’t know any shortcuts to that. When I need to do this type of editing I use Ctrl+F and replace (one by one) or replay all.
got it, well I believe there shouldn’t be then. It’s one of the things that saves a lot of time and makes life more public.
Hello, this is a shortcut that I usually use in Eclipse...
Ex: Double click on the attribute you want to rename, after using the shortcuts...
Eclipse: alt+shift+r
I believe that in Intellij IDEA:
IntelliJ: shift+F6
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It worked, thank you !
– Sabrina