Help with SQL query with COUNT in multiple rows


Viewed 91 times


Hello, I’m doing the following consultation

SELECT, c.nome, v.titulo, count(v.titulo)
FROM passageiros   AS p
LEFT JOIN clientes AS c ON = p.id_cliente
LEFT JOIN viagens  AS v ON = p.id_viagem
GROUP BY v.titulo;

And she’s returning me the following result:

id| nome       | titulo                  |  count(v.titulo)
1 | 'bruno'    | 'gramado'               |  5
6 | 'alea vang'| 'gramado - mundo magico'|  5
11| 'bruno'    | 'beto carrero'          |  3
14| 'bruno'    | 'caminhos rurais'       |  6

But what I would like is for her to return the list of each of the names of each title along with the Count total of that title:

id| nome               | titulo                   | count(v.titulo)
1 | 'bruno'            | 'gramado'                | 5
2 | 'tamires'          | 'gramado'                | 5
3 | 'christen wiggins' | 'gramado'                | 5
4 | 'justine howard'   | 'gramado'                | 5
5 | 'anika hammond'    | 'gramado'                | 5
6 | 'alea vang'        | 'gramado - mundo magico' | 5
7 | 'fredericka jensen'| 'gramado - mundo magico' | 5
8 | 'alexa duncan'     | 'gramado - mundo magico' | 5
9 | 'lynn mclean'      | 'gramado - mundo magico' | 5
10| 'allegra cantrell' | 'gramado - mundo magico' | 5
11| 'bruno'            | 'beto carrero'           | 3 
12| 'tamires'          | 'beto carrero'           | 3
13| 'christen wiggins' | 'beto carrero'           | 3
14| 'bruno'            | 'caminhos rurais'        | 6
15| 'tamires'          | 'caminhos rurais'        | 6
16| 'christen wiggins' | 'caminhos rurais'        | 6
17| 'alexa duncan'     | 'caminhos rurais'        | 6
18| 'lynn mclean'      | 'caminhos rurais'        | 6
19| 'allegra cantrell' | 'caminhos rurais'        | 6

EDIT: When making the query using GROUP BY v.titulo,; i have the return of the complete list of names, however the count returns only 1 on every line. I tried to create the count within a subquery, but as it returns multiple results, the search was unsuccessful.

3 answers


The simplest way to do this is with a subconsultation; you create a select to return the total trip records of the searched line:

SELECT, c.nome, v.titulo, (select count(*) from passageiros p2 where p2.id_viagem = p.id_viagem) as total
FROM passageiros AS p
LEFT JOIN clientes AS c ON = p.id_cliente
LEFT JOIN viagens AS v ON = p.id_viagem

Take a look in that fiddle that is working as you wish.

  • 1

    I was almost on the right track, in my tests I ended up making a consultation similar to this, but I was making the wrong comparison on where, thank you very much.

  • dough, fuck up =]


One solution, as indicated in the question, is to calculate the total passengers for each trip in a subquery. Here is an example that should return the expected result.

SELECT, c.nome, v.titulo, t.num_total_passageiros
  FROM passageiros p
  LEFT JOIN clientes c 
    ON = p.id_cliente
  LEFT JOIN viagens v
    ON = p.id_viagem
    SELECT ip.id_viagem, COUNT(DISTINCT as num_total_passageiros
      FROM viagens iv
     GROUP BY ip.id_viagem     
 ) t
   ON t.id_viagem =
  • I would like to thank the disposition, was very helpful and also returned the expected result, but I chose the other solution for the simplicity of it, but I want to record that this also worked perfectly well, thank you.

  • @bruno101. You don’t have to thank!


Oops. From what I understand of your doubt, you want the "name" column not to repeat in your query. So what you want is to basically know how many times the X client made the y trip, is that it? In this case, simply add to your group by the client name. Below is an example:

SELECT, c.nome, v.titulo, count(v.titulo)
FROM passageiros   AS p
LEFT JOIN clientes AS c ON = p.id_cliente
LEFT JOIN viagens  AS v ON = p.id_viagem
GROUP BY c.nome, v.titulo;

I hope I have helped! If this is not the case, I hope others can resolve your doubt! Thanks!

  • With this query it returns all the names, however the count gets 1, I’d like him to return the count correct for each place title in each record, tried to do with a subquery, but without success, since for some results it returns 5, other 3, others still returns 6 (as in the first example table). But thank you so much for trying to help.

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