What is and what is the < br clear="all" >?


Viewed 1,224 times


I remember it used to be common to see this <br clear="all"> in source codes. But I’ve always wondered why this clear all?

What is the difference of a <br> for a <br clear="all">? When I should wear one or the other?

  • But why would you use clear="all" if you are deprecated in Html5?

  • @Leandrade should be why I no longer see rss. If you can post a response on this and with the source ;)

  • Worse is so deprecated Hugo, that I can’t imagine anything to accomplish an example :)

  • 1

    @Leandrade boy in the test I did here put a br clear all between two Divs with float, then the second div fell to the bottom line, and kind of a clearfix so I thought

  • Hugo seems to be this by what I read tbm, as said there is not much more information about this attribute Html.

2 answers


The attribute clear is an attribute used to clear pre-existing alignments. This ensures that the content after the <br> appears below the baseline of the previously aligned element.

In the past, this approach was usually used to interrupt content around a right or left-aligned image or table.

This example shows a <br> with which an attribute clear is used to take content below a right-aligned image:

<p> <img src = "pool.jpg" alt = "sentado à beira da piscina" align = "right" />
   Texto 1
  <br clear="all"/>
    Texto 2

Source: https://www.sitepoint.com/clear-html-attribute/


The clear property is a property used to clear any right or left alignment of that element.

If you use this property you will be cleaning from all sides ("all") alignment floats.

The use of

<br style="clear:left;"/> 

Once the layout is all set up in CSS as good practice. ** Used example of inline css is given only as example, not as good practice either.

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