Regular expression to get the third part of a paragraph in HTML


Viewed 37 times


I created this regex and apparently it’s almost the way I’d like, however, I’d like to insert the tag <img> after the third occurrence of a sequence of paragraphs. As I did is inserting the <img> after the first paragraph of all occurrences.

That is, every third occurrence of a paragraph <p>, i would like to insert a tag <img>.


Here’s the example I made:

Example of how my regex turned out:

Data entry:



   <img src="">
   <img src="">
   <img src="">

Here’s how I’d like it:

   <img src="">

   <img src="">

1 answer


Taking from the base what you had already done, I formulated this regex:


The only changes I made was to add everything in a single group and wait for 3 occurrences({3}).

See working on Regex101

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