What is the size of the memory according to the size of the address?


Viewed 129 times


I’m having some difficulty answering two questions based on the following information:

  • Hardware support for virtual memory;
  • Works with 1KB pages;
  • Works with 24-bit virtual addresses;
  • Works with 16-bit physical addresses;
  • Has only 1 table of pages for mapping the entire address space virtual;

What is the maximum amount of physical memory that can be installed?

What is the maximum amount of virtual memory that can be accessed?

  • I think that question is outside the scope.

  • I thought because the physical address has 16 bits, the amount of addresses I can allocate is 2 16, or 65MB, but I don’t know if this is correct.

1 answer


It’s pure mathematics.

What is the maximum amount of physical memory that can be installed?

2 (the amount of values a 1 can have) high to 16 (the amount of bits available) gives 65536, or 64KB.

What is the maximum amount of virtual memory that can be accessed?

Here is 2 high to 24 giving 16MB.

Other information is irrelevant to these questions.

  • Thanks man!! I was thinking there but I didn’t know if it was correct... Thank you very much :)

  • When it’s like that, put on what you were thinking it is.

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