Remove data from an array and insert into the table


Viewed 819 times


I include in a array, user informed data. But, I use only one array to store data from two fields, where I use "P"(And the entered data) for the first field and "S"(And the data entered) for the second field. Thus the data is out of order on array. Example:

array_dados=[P01000213, P154878946, S797465464,P454464654,S48897874, ...]

So I’d like to store in table do banco the information of array .. But, "P" and "S" are different fields in table and I only use the letters before the numbers to know which fields they will go to!

My doubt ... " How to remove these letters (P and S) and store the data in its proper fields in the table?"

Table I need to store the fields:

CREATE TABLE sai_info_dados
  seq_info integer NOT NULL DEFAULT nextval('sam_cad_info'::regclass),
  tx_num_prim character varying(12) NOT NULL,
  tx_num_secu character varying(15) NOT NULL
  • Why don’t you make your job easier and create the multidimensional array? Sort of: $array_dados = array(array('P' => '01000213', 'S' => ''),array('P' => '154878946', 'S' => '797465464'),array('P' => '454464654', 'S' => '48897874')); thus you guarantee data parity.

2 answers


To separate the items, you can do something like this:

$tabela_p = array();
$tabela_s = array();

for each ( $array_dados as $item ) {
   if( strtoupper( $item{0} ) == 'P' ) {
       $tabela_p[] = substr( $item, 1 );
   } else {
       $tabela_s[] = substr( $item, 1 );

After that loop, you will have two separate arrays with the respective items, and without the letters.

As you have not posted the desired insertion criterion, here are some possibilities:

  • You can use a foreach in each of the $tabelas;

  • you can change the insertion in the arrays by the respective INSERTs;

  • If the result is symmetric, (one P for each S), you can insert in the same table row with a loop:

    for( $i = 0; $i < count( $tabela_p ); $i ++ ) {
       // 'INSERT INTO ... VALUES( '.$tabela_a[$i].', '.$tabela_s[$i].' )'

    (adjustment as the actual case)

  • @ Bacco thank you so much for the information! your explanation helped me on the basis of being able to separate the fields for insertion!


Use replace() to remove the first character of $item this way you take the 'clean' value to write to the bank($valor). Then to check which field to save to use $item[0] which takes the first character.


$arr = array('P01000213', 'P154878946', 'S797465464','P454464654','S48897874');

foreach($arr as $item){
    $valor = substr($item, 1);

    if($item[0] == 'S'){
        echo 'INSERT INTO tabela (s_campo) .... '. $valor  .'<br>';
    }else if($item[0] == 'P'){
        echo 'INSERT INTO tabela (p_campo) ....'. $valor .'<br>';
  • thank you very much for the information, I had knowledge of substr(), but did not know how to use correctly!

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