Find div that contains image and add class for CSS recognition


Viewed 34 times


I need help finding tags <img> inside the structure below.

When found, add a "hasimg" class together with the "skuFiltro" tag class <ul> primary. I need to recognize if you have image or not so I can differentiate the CSS style of the front-end structure of a platform I’m working on.

<ul class="skuFiltro">
        <ul class="filterBlock">
                <a href="#">
                    <img src="/img/teste.img" alt="">
<ul class="skuFiltro">
        <ul class="filterBlock">
                <a href="#">380mm</a>

1 answer


To go through all elements with the class 'skuFiltro', you can use:

$('.skuFiltro').each(function(index, element) {
    var img = element.querySelector("img");
    if(img != null){

The function .each() traverse each element that has the class .skuFiltro. A querySelector() is checking within the current element of . each, if there is any 'img' tag, if there is none inside the element in question, the img variable will receive NULL.

  • 1

    Thanks Vinicius, problem solved! :)

  • @Ivanrichardroncatto show! If my answer has contributed to your resolution, if you can mark it as "answer".

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