This format is also known as #rrggbbaa
where aa
corresponds to the channel alpha
According to the kennel is currently a well accepted format. However, it is in the CSS Module 4 specification:
Official W3C Draft Documentation:
And yes you can use the shorthand with 4 digits: ex. #0003
4 digits
This is a Shorter Variant of the 8-Digit Notation, "Expanded" in the same way as the 3-Digit Notation is. The first Digit, Interpreted as a hexadecimal number, specifies the red Channel of the color, Where 0 represents the minimum value and f represents the Maximum. The next three digits represent the green, blue, and alpha Channels, respectively.
4 digits
"This is a shorter variant of the 8-digit notation, "expanded" in the same way as the 3-digit notation. The first digit, interpreted as a hexadecimal number, specifies the red channel of the color, where 0 represents the minimum value and f represents the maximum. The next three digits represent the green, blue and alpha channels, respectively."
Example of opacity with shorthand #rgba
4 digits
.item {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #0ff3; /*4 digitos*/
border: 1px solid #000;
body {
background-image: url(;
background-size: cover;
<div class="item"><h4>1</h4></div>
Support of the Browser currently. (Brasil 92%)

TIP: Here is a list of values corresponding to color opacity percentage.
Alpha % Hex Num
100% FF 255
99% FC 252
98% FA 250
97% F7 247
96% F5 245
95% F2 242
94% F0 240
93% ED 237
92% EB 235
91% E8 232
90% E6 230
89% E3 227
88% E0 224
87% DE 222
86% DB 219
85% D9 217
84% D6 214
83% D4 212
82% D1 209
81% CF 207
80% CC 204
79% C9 201
78% C7 199
77% C4 196
76% C2 194
75% BF 191
74% BD 189
73% BA 186
72% B8 184
71% B5 181
70% B3 179
69% B0 176
68% AD 173
67% AB 171
66% A8 168
65% A6 166
64% A3 163
63% A1 161
62% 9E 158
61% 9C 156
60% 99 153
59% 96 150
58% 94 148
57% 91 145
56% 8F 143
55% 8C 140
54% 8A 138
53% 87 135
52% 85 133
51% 82 130
50% 80 128
49% 7D 125
48% 7A 122
47% 78 120
46% 75 117
45% 73 115
44% 70 112
43% 6E 110
42% 6B 107
41% 69 105
40% 66 102
39% 63 99
38% 61 97
37% 5E 94
36% 5C 92
35% 59 89
34% 57 87
33% 54 84
32% 52 82
31% 4F 79
30% 4D 77
29% 4A 74
28% 47 71
27% 45 69
26% 42 66
25% 40 64
24% 3D 61
23% 3B 59
22% 38 56
21% 36 54
20% 33 51
19% 30 48
18% 2E 46
17% 2B 43
16% 29 41
15% 26 38
14% 24 36
13% 21 33
12% 1F 31
11% 1C 28
10% 1A 26
9% 17 23
8% 14 20
7% 12 18
6% 0F 15
5% 0D 13
4% 0A 10
3% 08 8
2% 05 5
1% 03 3
0% 00 0
Thanks! I gave +1 in both answers.
– Wallace Maxters
@Wallacemaxters were worth my dear! I just didn’t find a very concrete reference to the date, although apparently it was in 2014, I saw things from 2011 talking about it... But it was a good question, I had no idea they hadn’t asked about it here
– hugocsl