Curl extension does not work?


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I want to open the login page of a site that came almost all ready for me, but this error happens:

Facebook needs the CURL PHP Extension. Line 19: C: Program Files (x86) Easyphp-Devserver-16.1 eds-www core api_classes facebook src base_facebook.php

Line 19

if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
throw new Exception('Facebook needs the CURL PHP extension.');

I went to find out more about this cURL, and the resolution seemed to be too easy to be true. It would only need to go in the archive php.ini and take out the ; front of the call: extension=php_curl.dll and it didn’t work.

When opening the file in the browser info.php and research on the cURL, the only information that appears is the name of the author.

What would it take to make it really work?

  • I didn’t quite understand... after you took the ; he stopped making the mistake?

  • No friend. It continued the same thing, when taking ';' should be installed the extension, which did not happen. I changed the php.ini file and nothing happened

  • 1

    Make no mistake, remove the character ; only enabling the extension, but if it is not installed, the error will persist. On Windows, I don’t know what the installation process looks like, so I owe you, but I think Google can help you with that.

  • Please enquire:

  • Looking at your question, Curl, it doesn’t even seem to be installed, since you only found the author’s name. A good option is to take a look at phpinfo() in the Curl support section

  • @Also pay attention to php.ini that you edited, because there is a PHP CLI pro and a PHP apache pro (if you are using it). As Saul said above, the best option is to put a phpinfo() on the page and give a parsed on the part of cURL.

  • Do you believe this is happening to me too... Have you found the solution? If I find I put here

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1 answer


I was having this error, to fix it I made the following steps;

  1. Check whether your php.ini is returning an error when you start a server (Example: php -S localhost:8080), if you have corrected it.

  2. Take out the comment (;) of extension=php_curl.dll

  3. Take the comment from extension=openssl

  4. If you’re in the Windows check whether extension_dir is as follows extension_dir = "ext"

OBS: In the php.ini I was having the following mistake:

Syntax error, Unexpected '&' [...]

To correct I commented the previous part to &, example:




Default Value: E_ALL ; & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED

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