Command prompt with React-Native


Viewed 604 times


People progamo em React - Native and every time I access the CMD to run the React I have to do a series of procedures that I will write below

Does anyone know any way to create a bat that already runs this command simultaneously one after the other?

Open CMD in document folder

Cd usuário 
Cd principal
Cd appdata 
Cd local 
Cd Android 
Cd plataforms- tools 

React-native TCP:8081 tcp8081 

Cd ../../../../../    
Cd documentos
Cd pasta
React-native run-android 
  • Have you ever tried to create a file with an ending . bat and the quoted commands? One on each line. Then just type the name of that file . bat

  • I didn’t try because I didn’t think it was that easy. I’ll try.

  • I got it. Just create the file. Bat

  • And put all commands that are executed one by one into the bat. Vlw

2 answers


:: Tchê, se entendi...

@echo off && cd  /d %systemdrive% & cd \ & title .:^|:. React-native run-android .:^|:. 

:: usuário == %username%

pushd "%userprofile%\principal\appdata\local\Android\SDK\plataforms- tools\"

call start /b .\React-native TCP:8081 tcp8081 && popd

:: Cd documentos seria a mesma pasta: user\documentos? caso contrário apague abaixo
cd "%userprofile%\documentos\pasta" && call start /b .\React-native run-android

:: cd documentos não seria a mesma pasta: user\documentos! caso contrário apague abaixo
cd "%userprofile%\documentos\pasta\" && call start /b .\React-native run-android


How did you tag and , believe that the Operating System is Windows, so in the command window you do not need to have to access one folder at a time, can access directly.

Assuming it’s on the Local Disk C: just access the folder directly that by following the commands you placed should be:

CD "C:\usuário\principal\appdata\local\Android\SDK\plataforms- tools\"

Use quotation marks when a folder has space in its name.

And then turn the command:

React-native TCP:8081 tcp8081

Considering the commands (CD ..) afterward:

CD C:\usuário\principal\documentos\pasta\

Then you can run the command:

React-native run-android 

Placing these commands on separate lines in a text editor and saving with the extension .bat you can make everything run just by opening the file.

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