What is the scope of variables on an ASP.NET MVC page?


Viewed 77 times


I have a view layout:

    <h1>Pagina Principal<h1>
<div class="row">
    @{Html.RenderPartial("Partials/Teste/Simular", new SimularViewModel(cpf: Model.Cliente.Cpf, idCampanha: Model.Ocorrencia.IdCampanha));}
<div class="row">
    @{Html.RenderPartial("Partials/Cadastro/_Opcoes", new CadastroViewModel(cpf: Model.Cliente.Cpf, idCampanha: Model.Ocorrencia.IdCampanha));}

Containing 2 partials views:


    @Html.ActionLink("Ir para Simulação", "Index", "Simular",
          new { cpf = Model.Cpf, origem = ViewBag.Origem},
          new { @class = "btn btn-brand float-right btn btn-brand float-right" })


     @Html.DropDownListFor(model => model.Status, Model.StatusOcorrencias.Select(so => new SelectListItem() { Text = so.Status, Value = so.Id.ToString() }), "Selecione", new
         @class = "form-control m-input m-input--square",
         @id = "dllStatus",
         style = "width: 100%"
     @Html.TextAreaFor(x => x.Observacao, new { @class = "form-control m-input", maxlength = "500" })

I kind of drew it like layout:

Layout paint

I need to pass the information of the fields that can be filled out by the user on partial view 2 Cadastrar, to the button ActionLink of partial view 1 Simular.

How to do this?

How the variable scope works in this case?

And if there’s any way I can return the value of partial to the view main and the view main to the partial?

1 answer


In his partial view you need to create a model to receive the object that is passing on view main, something like that:

@model SimularViewModel

I put in the Github for future reference.

Then you will have a model available in this new view.

The scope is equal to a normal code, each view it’s like a function.

I have never tried to return a value to the main view, but this seems wrong to me, probably this partial view is doing more than just presenting data that is its function.

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