Error reading a string in file


Viewed 42 times


Well I’m reading a file with the type formatting:

name.txt names columns types columns

Where I am able to read all these strings, but when printing them, for example in a row with two column names and their respective two types, the printf only shows the first two strings and in sequence prints two nulls. Follows the code:

char **tipos_coluna; 
tipos_coluna = malloc(sizeof(char*)*(2*qtd_colunas)); //Matriz de strings alocada dinamicamente
for (int i = 0; i < qtd_colunas; ++i)
    tipos_coluna[i] = malloc(sizeof(char)*20);

FILE *colunas_tabelas = fopen("colunas_tabelas/colunas_tabelas.txt", "r");

char validar[50];
while((fscanf(colunas_tabelas, "%s\n", validar)) != EOF)
    if( !(strcmp(validar,tabela_url)) )
        int i=0; 
        while((fscanf(colunas_tabelas, " %s", tipos_coluna[i])) != EOF)

            if(i == (2*qtd_colunas)-1){



for (int i = 0; i < 2*qtd_colunas; ++i)
    printf("%s ", tipos_coluna[i]);

1 answer


while((fscanf(colunas_tabelas, "%s\n", validar)) != EOF)

There are two errors, in this excerpt there is an inconsistency, because fscanf does not return EOF. I decided to take the line with fgets and formatting it with sscanf.

The second is that I am not allocating the correct amount of lines

for (int i = 0; i < qtd_colunas; ++i)

That would be

for (int i = 0; i < 2*qtd_colunas; ++i)

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