GOTO and ACTION table generator


Viewed 113 times


Regarding LR Parser, I fear the following Wiki:

There is a canonical algorithm to generate the GOTO and ACTION tables.

I searched, and I couldn’t find any software that has implemented this algorithm, so that it can be used didactically.

Some software that from a grammar, manages something similar to: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

1 answer


While I understand that the Beaver is a super set what you need, I think it’s worth taking a look. It generates Java classes from EBNF grammars. The classes are a representation of the lookup tables. The tool also generates a whole scheme with delegates for actions. Combined with a lexical analyzer generator such as the Jflex you have everything you need for compiler lessons.

  • Hello. I took a look at what you said. That’s not really what I’m looking for. That’s what Jflex and Bayac are for. I am looking for a program with graphical interface, where I can from a grammar, generate the GOTO and ACTION tables. In this case it would be the shift-indent tables

  • I understood, as far as I know, I believe that there is no program (even more with UI) just to generate a representation of the tables. Maybe you have to write something yourself. The closest I found to this was this Applet SR Parsing Demo which, to be honest, does not even run in the version of Java that I have installed.

  • Thank you. I’m still looking.

  • Looks like the tool JFLAP, among many other things, incorporated the jeLLRap and is able to generate some really cool views. Maybe it’s worth taking a look, at least to take as a basis.

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