What is this information next to the commit ID?


Viewed 465 times


What does this information in red next to the commit ID mean? I realized that only in this commit is this.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

No branch, this log is in master.

  • is your branch https://git-scm.com/book/pt-br/v1/Ramifica%C3%A7%C3%A3o-Branching-no-Git-B%C3%A1sico-de-Branch-e-merge

  • There is no branch created

  • Are you sure this wasn’t a branch that was merged and deleted? If not, I was curious as well

  • if you turn the following command git describe --long --tags what returns?

  • Use Jenkins or something like that?

  • @Alvaroalves the mentioned command returns: fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything. I don’t use Jenkins.

  • @Lucasmiranda, I performed other merges of branches and none stayed with this information to the commit lake

  • 1

    This means that that commit matches the Feature/Chart branch on origin. To find out what origin is, run git remote show origin and see what’s the Push URL and Fetch URL

  • @hkotsubo thanks for your comment, I ask you to change it to a reply so I can mark as the solution to my question.

  • @Allandantas I added the answer below

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origin/feature/chart is basically the branch called feature/chart who is in the origin. This means that that commit matches this branch.

To see which one is yours origin, spin:

git remote show origin

The way out will be something like:

* remote origin
  Fetch URL: http://alguma.url/repositorio.git
  Push  URL: http://alguma.url/repositorio.git

The two Urls above (Fetch URL and Push URL) are the addresses used when you run respectively git fetch and git push, and are usually the same (but nothing prevents them from being different).

This information appears when the option decorate is enabled. You can enable it via command line:

git log --decorate

Or by putting this option as default in git settings:

git config --global log.decorate auto

After setting up, the git log always show the information of decorate (unless you turn git log --no-decorate).

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