Validation of Fields in Swift


Viewed 522 times


How to validate fields using Swift? I intended to do with Exception, but I just searched and found that Swift has no Exceptions...

I’d like something like that:

void onCadastrar(dados){

    try {


    } catch(MinhaException erro){

        //Alert da mensagem de erro



This is possible on Swift?

  • 3

    I was glad to hear that, then people stop abusing the resource that should be used only in exceptional situations. The problem is that people will probably abuse something else. I don’t know about Swift’s specific resources but what happened to the good old if?

3 answers


In fact Swift does not have a Try catch, but rather has exceptions, as apple documentation.

As @Maniero mentioned, even in the languages that have the Try catch feature this should only be used in some situations.

Now to accomplish what you want I also point out the good old if.

Something like:

if dadosValidos() {
} else {

Now if you are making a Framework to be used by third parties, to capture you will have to check with if and then launch a fatalError() with the message, but this forces the application to stop.


Although other alternatives are recommended it is possible to do this way yes, I’ve asked myself that same question using this same field validation case and solved as follows:

first you can make an Enum to list all possible error that will be returned

enum ValidatingError: Error {
    case invalidName
    case invalidPassword

Do an extension to specify the return of each error

extension ValidatingError: LocalizedError {
   public var errorDescription: String? {
      switch self {
      case .invalidName:
         return NSLocalizedString("ERRO no nome", comment: "Coloque um nome com mais de 3 letras")
      case .invalidPassword:
         return NSLocalizedString("Erro na senha", comment: "A senha deve conter 6 ou mais caracteres")

Create the validation functions

func valida(_ nome: String) throws {
    if nome.count <= 3{
        throw ValidatingError.invalidName

func valida(_ senha: String) throws {
    if senha.count <= 6{
        throw ValidatingError.invalidPassword

And to call the way you specified just call the methods in and one of the catch

func onCadastrar(dados: Dados){

    do {
        try valida(dados.nome)
        try valida(dados.senha)
    } catch {


can try using a type called Guard

guard let nome = dados.nome { print(erro) return }
resto do codigo

or if not, using if same

if let nome = dados.nome{ codigo}

in case, if it is possible to perform the assignment means that the field is not null

That’s kind of what you needed ?

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