Select multiple tables at the same time in SQL


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I have 5 tables in my system:

pacientes - Primary key idPacientes
anamnese - foreggin key idPacientes
avaliacoes - foreggin key idPacientes
intervencao - foreggin key idPacientes
contrato - foreggin key idPacientes

The table pacientes has the primary key called idPacientes, the others have foreign keys connected to the patient.

I am making a report for when I finish registering, make anamnesis, evaluate, intervene with the patient and give your contract, I pull all the information that are on anamnese, avaliacoes, intervencao and contrato of the patient.

But I don’t know how to make one select of this. My teacher helped me by giving an example, but that only takes information from patients and anamnesis:

where pac.idPacientes = '$id'

Where it is written PAC and FIC are the nicknames of the tables pacientes and anamnese. I want to have the same thing SELECT, but including the rest of the tables.

  • 1

    You want to create a query that returns data from the 5 tables at the same time, is that it? I didn’t understand the final paragraph, can you rephrase, please, to make it clearer? Also inform the database you are using, the question and tags.

  • Peter, take the test using my answer and tell me if that’s what you wanted ok?

  • That’s really it André, but I tested it here and it was not given this error mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects Parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, Boolean Given in

3 answers


Can read the documentation on INNER JOIN and LEFT JOIN. A simple idea to join the tables will be something like

Select * from Pacientes INNER JOIN anamnese ON anamnese.idPacientes == Pacientes.idPacientes

In this case you return all patients who have anamnesis in the table. To join more tables would be the case to add another Inner Join

Select * from Pacientes 
INNER JOIN anamnese ON anamnese.idPacientes == Pacientes.idPacientes 
INNER JOIN avaliação ON avaliação.idPacientes == Pacientes.idPacientes 

Always leaving the table that has more records to the left of the ON. In the documentation there are many other tips that you should take into account.

  • Do you have any DBMS you use == as comparison operator? It would be nice to put a link to the documentation you mention!


If you want to display all records from each table, you can use ( .* ) to extract all data from each related table as follows:

FROM Pacientes
 JOIN Anamnese ON Pacientes.idPacientes = Anamnese.idPacientes
 JOIN Avaliacao ON Anamnese.idPacientes = Avaliacao.idPacientes
 JOIN Intervenção ON Anamnese.idPacientes = Intervenção.idPacientes
 JOIN Contratos ON Contratos.idPacientes = Intervenção.idPacientes
WHERE Pacientes.idPacientes = [Id do paciente que você deseja]

Note: the .* behind all fields of the table, however, you can add the desired columns in case you don’t want to bring them all at some later time.

Tip: The tip I give you is to create both tables and columns without graphical accentuation for better maintenance of your project.

  • Eaí brother, that’s what I want, but I tried it here it appeared that Warning: mysqli_fetch_assoc() expects Parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, Boolean Given in C: xampp htdocs TCC3001 TCC V3.0 infopatient reports.php on line 14

  • This error gave in php application or direct in the database?

  • in the php msm application

  • If I pass the system to you, you take a look?

  • Of course, I’m here to help you. But it only takes away a doubt... Have you ever tried to run this select in the bank?

  • Yeah, I already got brother kk vlw ae

  • @Pedrolukas what was the problem?

  • Error was of quote kk

  • Ah, so what I sent to help is not?

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SELECT * FROM Pacientes pac
LEFT JOIN anamnese as ana ON ana.idPacientes = pac.idPacientes 
LEFT JOIN avaliacao as ava ON ava.idPacientes = pac.idPacientes 
LEFT JOIN intervenção as int ON int.idPacientes = pac.idPacientes 
LEFT JOIN Contratos as cont ON cont.idPacientes = pac.idPacientes 

Remembering that where * is, you should put the table fields, e.g. Pac.Name, Pac.Age, int.Somerset, cont.Othersisa.

  • 1

    In the ISO standard int is a reserved word, not in SQL Server (doc SQL Server), then, depending on which DBMS is being used, this int as alias can go wrong.

  • Really Pedro Gaspar, I didn’t realize it at the time. Remembering that the name of the table is you who defines Pedro Lukas (good if you look at the nomenclature as quoted by Pedro)..

  • I’m sorry if I wasn’t very clear, but I answered that my question look downstairs, pfv

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