Error when implementing Tensorflow in React Native


Viewed 205 times


Save! I’m trying to implement the library Tensorflow in my React Native application, based in that and in that tutorials.

But I can’t even run the project, getting the following error:

Unable to resolve module ../assets/graph.pb from C:\aplicativos\myApp\components\Index.js: The module ../assets/graph.pb could not be found.

Error only occurs because of file extension (.pb), because testing with image files in the same directory everything goes well.

I tried then the approach made by that response from Stackoverflow, also without any result and the error persists. Finally, I tried to read the file .pb with the React-Native-Fs, resulting in memory allocation error, as the file in question weighs more than 80Mb.

My code is like this:

import { TfImageRecognition, TensorFlow } from 'react-native-tensorflow';

clickHandle = () => {

    const graph = require('../assets/graph.pb'); //gera erro
    const text = require('../assets/a.txt'); //gera erro

    try {
      const tfImageRecognition = new TfImageRecognition({
        model: graph,
        labels: text

      const results = await tfImageRecognition.recognize({
        image: this.image

      const resultText = `Name: ${results[0].name} - Confidence: ${results[0].confidence}`;
      this.setState({texto: resultText});

      await tfImageRecognition.close();
    } catch(err) {

Folder structure:

|      |_ a.txt
|      |_ graph.pb
|      |_ Index.js


I made a copy of the files to the folder android/app/src/main/assets and modified the code as follows:

clickHandle = async () => {

    const text = {uri: 'asset:/a.txt'};
    const graph = {uri: 'asset:/graph.pb'};

    try {
      const tfImageRecognition = new TfImageRecognition({
        model: graph,
        labels: text

      const results = await tfImageRecognition.recognize({
        image: require('../assets/YodaWhiteHouse.jpg')

      const resultText = `Name: ${results[0].name} - Confidence: ${results[0].confidence}`;
      this.setState({texto: resultText});

      await tfImageRecognition.close();
    } catch(err) {

Resulting in error:

Could not load resource

  • Try clearing the cache with the command react-native start --reset-cache and run the app again.

  • Same error: Could not load Resource

1 answer


I was able to solve the problem in question after analyzing the file contained in the folder node_modules\react-native-tensorflow\android\src\main\java\com\rntensorflow.

The new code went like this:

clickHandle = async () => {

const text = 'a.txt';
const graph = 'graph.pb';

try {
  const tfImageRecognition = new TfImageRecognition({
    model: graph,
    labels: text

  const results = await tfImageRecognition.recognize({
    image: require('./assets/yodawhitehouse.jpg')

  const resultText = `Name: ${results[0].name} - Confidence: ${results[0].confidence}`;
  this.setState({texto: resultText});

  await tfImageRecognition.close();
} catch(err) {


with the files txt and pb inside the briefcase android/app/src/main/assets.

Now I get an error related to Graph, but it is for another question, the problem of this has already been solved.

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