Spring Data JPA does not recognize the SQL 'Limit' command?


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I am creating a REST API, using Spring Boot, which, using data from a table, displays random phrases.

Giving a Google, I found that it is possible to generate random results through pure SQL:

SELECT <coluna> FROM <tabela> ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1;

I made the appointment of Bank H2, which is the bank I’m using, and it worked:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

The problem is that Spring Data does not recognize the SQL command LIMIT. When I create the query inside the repository, through this code:

public interface QuoteRepository extends JpaRepository<Quote, Integer> {

    @Query("SELECT detail FROM Quote ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1")
    Quote findByQuote();

    Quote findByActor(String actor);

I get the following exception:

Unexpected token: LIMIT near line 1, column 54 [SELECT Detail FROM Challenge. Quote ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1]

Observing: the table scripts is mapped by the domain class Quote.

Does anyone know of a command they can replace LIMIT?

Complete code on Github.

3 answers


Hello, spring, uses JPA, which in turn uses the JPQL language for queries, which is a language similar to SQL only that uses the object-relational approach.

JPQL does not implement the limit command, since JPQL attempts to address all relational databases, and each database implements the limit in its form, and some does not implement, JPQL does not implement the limit.

Using JPQL and spring you can use paging, as below:

public interface QuoteRepository extends JpaRepository<Quote, Integer> {

    @Query("SELECT detail FROM Quote ORDER BY RANDOM()")
    List<String> findByQuote(Pageable pageable);


In your service you can use the following code:

Pageable primeiroResultado = new PageRequest(0, 1);
List<String> result = repository.findByQuote(primeiroResultado);
  • Marciano, thank you so much for answering! I only have one question: pagination needs to be an list? For the code you suggested to use on service, my method would have to return result. The problem is that in the interface QuoteService it has been established that the method should be Quote getQuote() and, is implemented in the class QuoteServiceImpl, must return a quote object, which means, in my understanding, not to return a list... Is there any way?

  • 1

    Does not solve your problem iterating the list, feeding an object Quote with the record found and return this Quote in his method?

  • @Statelessdev, I even tried to use it here, but I need the method to be Quote findByName();. The list that is being iterated is of the String type. Even if I use List<Quote> result, will still be returning a list of type Quote and not a Quote object. I may be wrong, but this is how I understand the return of a method. The Interface came already created and precise followed the pattern of the project.

  • Marciano, a person sent a documentation link of Spring Data and also that other answer, for the use of native queries and the compiler accepted and the error. Now I’m having another problem... He’s not recognizing the id... I think I’ll open up another question to that...

  • 1

    Yes, open another question detailing the error.

  • Seeking a solution, I found a question in the OR, using paging as you suggested, as you suggested, but using Page instead of Pageable. I will post the solution here, in case there are people with more problems. I adapted to my problem and worked and also, with this, solved the ID problem. Even so, thank you so much for your availability.

  • Just one more thing, in case someone is reading this answer and is considering using the constructor PageRequest, it has been discontinued. Instead, it can be used PageRequest.of(int page, int size), as shown in the documentation.

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In case you’re having the same problem, I found that response in the OS and adapted to my problem and worked. It uses paging, as suggested by Marciano Machado, in one of the answers above.

Due to the way challenge was sent, as well as the unit tests that were previously written, and pre-formatted, needed to keep the original method and that it return a single object.

So I modified the repository to overwrite the JPA method, findAll(), to receive an object Pageable and I also used the method count(). The repository was like this:

long count();
Page<Quote> findAll(Pageable pageable);

In the class that implements the service, the code looks like this:

public Quote getQuote() {
        long countIds = repository.count();
        int idRandom = (int)(Math.random() * countIds);
        Page<Quote> quotePage = repository.findAll(PageRequest.of(idRandom, 1)); 
        Quote quote = null;
        if(quotePage.hasContent()) {
            quote = quotePage.getContent().get(0);
        return quote;

Essentially, it uses the repository to count the amount of IDs, in the table, and uses this result to multiply by the value generated by the method random() class Math.

Then the search is done and stored in quotePage, using the ID random (idRandom), limiting it to one page only.

And then he checks: if there is content, quote receives this content and returns it to the method getQuote(), else, it returns quote null.

  • 1

    Edit your answer and enter the code you created. It will help other users.

  • Code added.


Another option if you are using jpa 1.7+ is to change the method nomenclature using top or first, example:

 @Query("SELECT detail FROM Quote ORDER BY RANDOM(")
    Quote findTop1ByQuote();

 @Query("SELECT detail FROM Quote ORDER BY RANDOM()")
    Quote findFirstByQuote();
  • Thank you for answering, Lucas! But unfortunately the two didn’t work out. I get this message: query did not return a unique result: 18307.

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