Android Studio - XML Layout shows no options and always gives error


Viewed 182 times


Any and all layout I create does not show elements like Linearlayout, Recyclerview and others. Only the options below (and the errors too)


Also, XML is always with error saying that it is missing width or height, but it is all right (as in the image above). I’ve imported everything that had to matter but unfortunately the error continues.

Erro de Layout 2

Clean, rebuild, Sync and invalidate cache do not work. Beyond knows what can be?

Additional information:

- It all started on Android 3.2.1
- I’m also having another problem that might be connected: Android Studio 3.2.1 does not locate "Default Activity"

1 answer


It happened to me too. to solve was just to downgrade the android version studio

1- Uninstall the current version of your system. 2-download the older version of - Download the free software as they keep a file of all the older versions of the software. install it. 3-When Android Studio asks for a new update, just deny.

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