How do I search two or more tables.
In the system I am doing, I have the tables Barco, Tipodeoperacaodobarco and Classebarco
My mapping is as follows:
HasRequired(c => c.ClasseBarco)
.WithMany(c => c.Barcos)
.HasForeignKey(c => c.ClasseBarcoId);
HasRequired(c => c.TipoDeOperacaoDoBarco)
.WithMany(c => c.Barcos)
.HasForeignKey(c => c.TipoOperacaoId);
I did a generic search
public virtual IEnumerable<TEntity> Buscar(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate)
return Dbset.Where(predicate);
And I use this generic repository to do the specific searches of the class boats, follow some examples below:
public IEnumerable<Barco> ObterAtivos()
return Buscar(c => c.Ativo && !c.Excluido);
public Barco ObterPorNome(string nome)
return Buscar(c => c.Nome == nome).FirstOrDefault();
And if I want to get the Typodeoperacaodobarcoe and the Classebarco, which are different tables but which are related to boat table, as I would?
My idea is to show this data in a table
Follow below as my bank
Search from Barco ?
– Felippe Tadeu
@Felippetadeu this, let’s assume that I want to know what the Class and Type of boat of a particular boat
– Jhensen