Is there a Parallax Mousemove effect for jQuery?


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How do I find a type effect "Parallax Mousemove"

I would like to know the name of this effect and if you have any examples on the Internet.

I knew how to do that effect on Actionscript 3.0 was called Scrollrect, but I don’t know the right name in jQuery.

  • In the link itself you already, clicking on the "i", has a link to the project github, there you can consult the source code. This type of effect is called "Parallax".

  • thanks for the tip but I’ve tried with this code they left, but I couldn’t do what I wanted, which is to let the background move with mouse effect , you don’t know any other similar example on the internet no, I thank you from now...

  • Do a search for jquery Parallax, has several. I wouldn’t know to recommend one because I’ve never used any.

  • You can try using this jQuery plugin. The site has some instructions, list of websites with demonstrations and commercial websites that use jparallax.

  • Probably what you seek this on that website

  • This one is much better. Works perfectly on iPhone and iPad. Makes the <i>Parallax</i> tilting the device.

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2 answers



In Portuguese it can be written "Parallax".

Parallax comes from the Greek: παραλλαγή meaning change. It is the change of the angular position of two stationary points relative to each other as seen by a moving observer. Simply put, parallax is the apparent alteration of an object against a background due to the movement of the observer.

On a website, scrolling from the user’s point of view is simulated by moving the mouse.

Any project relating to Parallax is actually building an object shift effect based on mouse movement.


Imagem ilustrativa

This page is a good example of one of the first Parallax where you can get an explanation of how everything works and see some examples of use.

Making use of a collection of elements, in the image above are li, where each is an effect layer to simulate the change of the user’s point of view obtained by moving the mouse.

Example of use:

Working demonstration

Assuming the layers are built as follows:


<div id="port">
 <!-- 7 Camadas de imagens, cada camada ligeiramente maior que a que se encontra por trás -->
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/0.png" alt=""/>
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/1.png" alt=""/>
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/2.png" alt=""/>
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/3.png" alt=""/>
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/4.png" alt=""/>
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/5.png" alt=""/>
 <img class="parallax-layer" src="../images/parallax_drops/6.png" alt=""/>



  // Declarar o efeito nas camadas
    mouseport: jQuery("#port")          // indicar o elemento que envolve o efeito

You would get something like this that can be seen in the link to the demo:

Captura de Tela

And by scrolling the mouse down there is this change in the point of view that gives the idea that the user has lowered:

Captura de Tela


I know this Javascript component called Panorama which produces the effect it describes, but scrolls the elements on the page horizontally.

This component allows to define several layers that move at different speeds as if they were at different distances from the point of view of the user, giving the feeling of panoramic view, and hence the name.

Note, I moderate the site where this component is, but I am not the author of it.

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