Error in Package Installation?


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I am trying to install this next map generation package but is giving the following error

install.Packages("maptools",Dep=TRUE) Installing package into C:/Users/rafael/Documents/R/win-library/3.0' (as ːlib' is unspecified) --- Please select a CRAN mirror for use in this Session ---- Warning: Unable to access index for Repository Warning: Unable to access index for Repository Lost warning messages are: 1: In open.Connection(con, "r") : '' could not be connected to port 80. 2: package ːmaptools' is not available (for R version 3.0.2)

Can anyone tell me how to handle ?

  • 1

    Give more information about your session (R version, Operating System etc.). Anyway, I would try another repository and check the internet.

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    As you can see here ( maptools is available for any version of R higher than R 2.10. I believe it may be a problem in your connection or in that particular repository.

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    Rafael, is this a work computer? It seems that access to the CRAN mirrors have been blocked.

  • Yes and the computer of my internship ! I tried with ADM login but not the right one !

  • I am on Windows 7 version of R 3.0.3 64 bits

  • I can’t update existing packages either

  • Rafael, it is a network problem that you are using, you will have to see this with the IT area of your internship.

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1 answer


Rafael, if you are using the Rstudio just specify the path there where I put the red arrow and then install by typing the package name there in Packages.

If you specify by menu you can install via install.packages("maptools").

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • 1

    I’ll try again using ADM here from my internship !

  • 1

    It only worked in R Studio but I have version incompatibility, I’ll update it and see what !

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