Java returning 0 in multiplication


Viewed 112 times


The code is even simple to calculate a seller’s yield by multiplying in the case of 150000 * 0.1 it returns 0

code /

public class FuncionarioComissionado {
//Strings private para poder usar Get/Set
private String nome;
private String CPF;
private double taxaComissao;
private double vendasBrutas;
private double rendimentos;

// Criação de um construtor para a classe FuncionarioComissionado
// Construtor
public FuncionarioComissionado(String nome, String CPF, double taxaComissao, double vendasBrutas) {
	this.nome = nome;
	this.CPF = CPF;
	this.taxaComissao = taxaComissao;
	this.vendasBrutas = vendasBrutas;
// Calculo dos Rendimentos
private void Rendimentos(){
	rendimentos = (vendasBrutas * (taxaComissao / 100));

// Criação de Get's para cada Atributo
// Metodos
public double getRendimentos() {
	return rendimentos;
public String getNome() {
	return nome;
public String getCPF() {
	return CPF;
public double getTaxaComissao() {
	return taxaComissao / 100;
public double getVendasBrutas() {
	return vendasBrutas;

test /

FuncionarioComissionado f1 = new FuncionarioComissionado("Guilherme", "12345678921",10,125000);
  • At what point the error occurs?

  • trying to figure out but the error would be getRequests returning 0 instead of (125000 * 0.1)

  • You are not calculating yields, you are only returning an empty value of the variable.

  • This account never comes to pass, because you just don’t do it.

  • Wouldn’t that make the account? private void Yields(){ Yields = (saleBrutas * (taxCompled / 100));

  • Reread my last 2 comments again.

  • ah ! Facepalm, I did not invoke the T_T method

  • Good in class son worked but in this same calling method returned 0

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1 answer


Returns 0 because your method getRendimentos() is simply returning the initialization value of the variable rendimentos, at any time of the code you perform calculation.

I suggest two modifications to the code:

  • do not start method names with uppercase letter, java convention asks that only the name of the constructor can be capitalized, and the other methods follow the format camelcase;

  • if you need to store the proceeds separately, first call the method you calculate and then call the getter from it.

With these changes, the class stays this way:

class FuncionarioComissionado {
    //Strings private para poder usar Get/Set
    private String nome;
    private String CPF;
    private double taxaComissao;
    private double vendasBrutas;
    private double rendimentos;

    // Criação de um construtor para a classe FuncionarioComissionado
    // Construtor
    public FuncionarioComissionado(String nome, String CPF, double taxaComissao, double vendasBrutas) {
        this.nome = nome;
        this.CPF = CPF;
        this.taxaComissao = taxaComissao;
        this.vendasBrutas = vendasBrutas;

    // Calculo dos Rendimentos
    public void calculaRendimentos(){
        rendimentos = (vendasBrutas * (taxaComissao / 100));

    // Criação de Get's para cada Atributo
    // Metodos
    public double getRendimentos() {
        return rendimentos;
    public String getNome() {
        return nome;
    public String getCPF() {
        return CPF;
    public double getTaxaComissao() {
        return taxaComissao / 100;
    public double getVendasBrutas() {
        return vendasBrutas;

The test:

class Teste {

    public static void main (String[] args) {

    FuncionarioComissionado f1 = new FuncionarioComissionado("Guilherme", "12345678921",10,125000);


See working on ideone

  • 1

    Thank you I understood what was missing with the help of your comments, but I was wrong in the construction of the code, the () in F1.calculations();

  • It would be even better to calculate the earnings in the builder, as there is no reason to leave this for later when a specific method is called.

  • Ideal would be but I don’t know how to do this >.<

  • @guilhermecabrals Just put the line rendimentos = (vendasBrutas * (taxaComissao / 100)); at the end of the constructor and then you can delete the method calculaRendimentos (or Rendimentos according to its original code) and all calls to it.

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