I need to elaborate a query that brings the employee’s registration, employee’s name and employee’s city name using JOIN
. But as I have no experience with this function yet, I am stuck!! For this I have the table funcionario
and the table cidade
. So far I have it:
select * from funcionario, cidade
select funcionario.matfunc, funcionario.nome, cidade.nome
from funcionario, cidade
where funcionario.nome = cidade.nome
Now I’m stuck because I didn’t get the whole JOIN
There is a lot of content about joins here on the forum. Here is a topic that explains the subject very well. https://answall.com/questions/6441/qual-é-a-diferença-entre-inner-join-e-outer-join After reading, try to repeat your queries and ask any questions. Good luck!
– MarceloBambino
What are the fields of the tables, which field stores the city code in the table
?– Roberto de Campos
Funcio matfunc name Cpf dtnasc CODCID codchef City CODCID name cep Uf
– Wagner