Multiprocessing in Python


Viewed 542 times


I’m creating processes using multiprocessing in Python, but need to create processes within other processes, ie child processes. It is possible to do this using multiprocessing?


import time
import multiprocessing

def calc_square():
    while 1:
        print("square: %i" %(3*3*3))

def calc_cube():
    while 1:
        print("cube: %i" %(2*2*2))
        p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=calc_square)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=calc_cube)

When creating the process calc_cube, he gives print in the cube once and creates the process calc_square, and just shows the print of calc_square, that is, the two processes do not run in parallel.

It is possible to rotate them in parallel?

1 answer


There is no restriction on using multiprocessing from within a process created by multiprocessing itself. But your system is doing exactly what you tell him to do:

From inside the calc_cube, he sleeps a second, prints once the cube, starts the process calc_square and waits for the calc_square to finish. As this other one stays in an infinite loop and never ends, only he will print answers. What is the surprise?

If you reorder the instructions inside the calc_cube to make sense: create a single calc_square process (and don’t try to create a new process with each loop run), and keep printing your results without worrying about waiting for the other process, will see the two impressions happening simultaneously:

def calc_cube():
    p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=calc_square)
    p2.start()  # inicia uma única instância do outro processo
    while True:
        print("cube: %i" %(2*2*2))

    p2.join()  # essa linha nunca será atingida - pois está fora do while. Se o código mudar para o calc_cube ter um fim, aí sim ela faz sentido.

Ready - this will work and you can test on the PC - do not need to bother to put on the rasp. Now - you have to keep in mind that you’re not going to have many advantages of using strategies of this kind - multiprocessing is cool if you have multiple-core Cpus, and yet, up to the limit of 1 process per kernel, for algorithms with intense calculation, or 2 processes per core, "bursting". The operating system features that processes use are very large and you will have advantages, especially on a single-core machine, if you use asyncio - a single thread quickly switching between code that always has something to do, while other parts of the code await answers from I/O.

Here I wrote an answer where I extensively address the topic of code parallelization in Python: What is Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)?

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