Convert entire mysql database to lowercase


Viewed 568 times


It is possible convert all columns of tables in a database mysql for lower-case letters?

I have several records and several tables, all are a patchwork of upper and lower case (and some with accentuation).

Detail: the type is Innodb; collation is defined as utf8_bin.

  • update Table SET value = LOWER(value)

  • @Gustavo, I published an answer, see if it helps. I hadn’t seen anything like this yet.. gave a nice job, but I liked the code =]

  • you want to convert the column name or value?

  • @rray the values!

  • @rLinhares didn’t work...

  • @Did Gustavomacielsetta see if there were any errors or if he updated any data? Did he look at the fiddle?

  • @Since the fiddle did not work. And in my bank tbm does not say that there is no table table_tmp. I created the table with the same columns but continued to show error...

  • @The fiddle wasn’t working. But I checked now and he’s okay, but I have no idea how to apply this solution to my bank, I mean, I’m still the same...

  • What’s wrong with the bank? Why can’t you apply??

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1 answer


I don’t know any "simple" way to do this, but through this algorithm I believe that will have the expected result:

SET @row_number := 0;

INSERT INTO tabela_tmp
SELECT (@row_number:=@row_number + 1) AS num, CONCAT('update ', TABLE_NAME, ' SET ', CONCAT(GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(COLUMN_NAME, '=LOWER(', COLUMN_NAME, ')')), ';'))

SET @id_tabela:=1, @total:=(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tabela_tmp);

WHILE @id_tabela <= @total DO
    SET @comando = (SELECT comando FROM tabela_tmp where num = @id_tabela);

    PREPARE myquery FROM @comando;
    EXECUTE myquery;

    SET @id_tabela = @id_tabela + 1;    

tabela_tmp is a table that will store the update commands of each table (one in each row). In the assembly of this commando, I used the CONCAT() for the structure ("update table ...") and GROUP_CONCAT() to take all fields from the table and organize them in a row.
Done that, in a loop just load the commands and run them.

Working example

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