I have 3 videos saved in the Postgres bank where I seventh a star_date
and the video only appears on template when the start_date <= date.today()
My problem is in template. I have 3 buttons, one for each video, my idea is that any video that does not have its start_date <= date.today()
have your button with a opacity: 0.3;
But the way I’m doing it, when any video is active it gets the button with the images/01.png
and with the <a href="0">
and anyone who is inactive gets the button with the images/02.png
and with the <a href="">
When active I need the images/01.png
has been<a href="0">
the images/02.png
has been<a href="1">
and the images/03.png
has been<a href="2">
I’m doing it this way:
<div class="numbers-video">
{%for video in videos%}
{%if video.is_visible%}
<a href="0">
<img src="{% static 'images/01.png' %}" alt="01">
{%if video.is_visible == False%}
<a href="">
<img class="opacity-button" src="{% static 'images/02.png' %}" alt="02">
py views.:
def video_list(request, position):
if 'lead_id' in request.session:
video = Video.objects.filter(position=position).first()
videos = Video.objects.order_by("position").all()
return render(request, 'video-list.html', {'video': video, 'position':position, 'videos': videos})
return redirect('registrations:create_lead')
class Video(models.Model):
url = models.CharField(max_length=500, verbose_name='Link Embed')
title = models.CharField(max_length=255, verbose_name='Título')
description = models.TextField(max_length=1000, verbose_name='Descrição do video')
start_date = models.DateField(verbose_name='Estará disponível quando')
position = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='Qual posição')
def is_visible(self):
return self.start_date <= date.today()
Can anyone give me that strength ?
then @nosklo the problem is that in
i push a button for each active video and another button for each inactive video, only the way I’m doing, all active will always receive<a href="0">
 <img src="{% static 'images/01.png' %}" alt="01">
and all inactive<a href="">
 <img class="opacity-button" src="{% static 'images/02.png' %}" alt="02">
and as I have 3 videos I need the buttons to be dynamic, example if a video 1 and 2 are active get active the button 1 and 2– Raphael Melo De Lima
currently if I have 2 active videos I will generate 2 buttons for video 1 and not one for each video, You know ?
– Raphael Melo De Lima
I don’t understand @Raphaelmelodelima ... if you use one
within thefor
then for each video it will generate only one button, either active or inactive. There is no way it will generate both! Theelse
prevents the two codes from being executed, is one or the other– nosklo
the problem was the generation of buttons with different properties, I managed to solve, I will send the answer here
– Raphael Melo De Lima
thanks a lot for the help man, you always give me a force around here, it really worth
– Raphael Melo De Lima