Function jQuery return validation message instead of Alert


Viewed 289 times


I have this function, which works perfectly:

  $('#FornecedorNovo').submit(function (e) {
    var url = "/Fornecedor/VerificaInscricao";
    var Insc = $("#InscricaoEstadual").val();
    var form = this,
        $form = $(form); // Salvamos o formulário atual em uma variável

        url: url,
        data: { insc: Insc },
        datatype: "json",
        type: "POST",
        success: function (data) {
            if (data.resultado == true) {
                alert('Já existe esta inscrição estadual cadastrada para outro fornecedor.');
            } else {
                var url1 = "/Fornecedor/VerificaDocumento";
                var Documento = $("#Documento").val();

                    url: url1,
                    data: { documento: Documento },
                    datatype: "json",
                    type: "POST",
                    success: function (data) {
                        if (data.resultado == true) {
                            alert('Já existe este CNPJ/CPF cadastrado para outro fornecedor.');
                        else {

However it appears an Alert, I wanted the message to appear equal to field validation, no <span asp-validation-for="InscricaoEstadual" class="text-danger"></span> for example. It is possible?

  • You should probably add the framework tag you’re using. There may be a simpler way to do this that isn’t just javascript or jquery.

  • @fernandosavio added. work with core.

1 answer


Since I don’t understand Asp.Net, a solution with jQuery would be to take the element you want to insert the error message with jQuery and change its HTML. In your case it would change the line:

alert('Já existe este CNPJ/CPF cadastrado para outro fornecedor.');


$('[asp-validation-for="InscricaoEstadual"]').html('Já existe este CNPJ/CPF cadastrado para outro fornecedor.');

To improve performance you could save the result of $('[asp-validation-for="InscricaoEstadual"]') in a variable to not have to search for each ajax request, or better, define a id for the element and use a id selector instead of using the attribute selector used in the example.

  • I tried this way, but the message does not appear, and does not return error on the console.

  • He wasn’t accepting the '[asp-validation-for="InscricaoEstadual"] then I defined a id for him, and I passed on function $("#messageI").html(data.mensagem);and it worked, thank you.

  • I will add the attribute selector documentation to make the question better documented. But the way you solved, using id, is the most performative even.

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