Does table order make a difference in modeling?


Viewed 49 times


I am building a database with the following tables:

Aluno: id_aluno, aluno_login, aluno_senha, aluno_nome, aluno_sobrenome, aluno_cidade

Aluno_Categoria: id_categoria_curso, id_categoria, id_aluno

Categoria (ou curso): id_categoria, categoria_nome, categoria_curso

A curso has a categoria or a categoria has a curso? If I reverse the order has something to do or we fall into that question "the order of the factors does not change the product"?

2 answers


Why not both? That’s why the database is relational, you make up as you please. This is why it is superior to other models in most cases. Relationship does not involve property but rather link.

I can’t tell if the model is right because it always depends on collecting well made requirements. And the question isn’t very well written either, but the relationship is this.

  • I expressed myself wrong Maniero, so you conclude that in this situation there will be no change, no matter what order I put. On the question having the wrong writing, what recommends not to receive negative votes?

  • There is no order, there are relationships, they are different things. I’ve never heard of order in the relational model. Could further detail the question, ask what you are actually doing. The description does not match the tables shown. , shows no relation at all.


Hello, I understand that you should evaluate: 1- Can I have several course categories? Ex.: 1.a)category Database-: related courses: BD administration, BD programming, BD Nosql, etc 1.b)Software Engineering category-: related courses: Survey and Analysis of requirements, Dev Standards, etc

2 - Wouldn’t the categories in the course be better interpreted as modules? Ex.: 2.a) Course Database: Related modules: Installing DBMS and setting up the environment, Creating BD, Managing BD, etc. 2.b) OO Programming Course: related modules: Concepts, Prog. Structured, OO Principles, OO Pillars, etc.

In my view the order of relationship in this case influences the final result, but it is necessary to evaluate what your modeling needs.

  • Yes, I just organized my tables and have course>category>module. Thanks for the help.

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