This problem is due to footer placement in your index.php file.
The footer is inside the ID #container
At the bottom of the page remove everything from line 144 to the end, which is from: (<div id="footer">
) until (</html>
) and paste the modified code into which I will refer below.
Current code:
<div id="footer">
<p> Suporte: <a href="">Clique Aqui </a></p>
<p>© Peccin 2011 - 2014. Website Designed by <a href="">TI - Peccin</a></p>
Modifies to:
</div> <!-- isto fecha a div #container antes de começar o #footer -->
<div id="footer">
<p> Suporte: <a href="">Clique Aqui </a></p>
<p>© Peccin 2011 - 2014. Website Designed by <a href="">TI - Peccin</a></p>
After this if you still want the footer to be centralized just make the changes in your file styles.css
modifying to:
#footer {
background-color: #010101;
height: 80px;
width: 1800px;
position: relative;
z-index: 999;
margin-left: auto; /* linha modificada */
margin-right: auto; /* linha adicionada */
The only content on this page will be the banner?
– KaduAmaral
No, there are the sliders in the middle and the problem is the footer that doesn’t line up according to the resolution of the page, the rest it lines up everything :(
– Diego
SOLVED, I changed the size of the top image and solved. Thank you.
– Diego