How do I maintain a Viewbag for all Controllers?


Viewed 403 times


I am developing in ASPNET MVC 4 with Razor.

I made the login page and everything is ok.

After login, the famous phrase "Welcome FLAVIO" is being successfully returned, via Viewbag.

As I’m doing a redirect, so I’m doing it this way, in Action Logon:

User user = _repository.AutenticarUsuario(f["username"], f["password"]);
TempData["usuario"] = user.fname;
return Redirect("/Home/Index");

At VIEW /Home/Index, I have this code:

ViewBag.user = ViewBag.usuario;

And then the user name is being successfully displayed.

The problem is that if I enter some other link in the system, the user name goes to space!

How do I make the user name persist for all actions?

1 answer


Make a ActionFilter:

public class MeuActionFilter : ActionFilterAttribute, IActionFilter
    void IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
        ViewBag.User = // coloque aqui a informação do usuário


Then just mark the Controller:

public class MeuController : Controller

More information? Read here.

  • 1

    Thank you. This response made me search Actionfilters and I saw that I have many more options, such as registering the value I need globally to avoid that I keep having to add the filter "marker" in each Controller, among other several options.

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