Reading file in Objective C


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I’m trying to read a file on. c, I can read everything right there but in the variable it returns me a whole content and a " n" that harms the rest of my code. Below is the section that performs the txt reading for you to analyze.

char * info_conta(char *cpf,int line)
//Declaro variaveis para ler o arquivo
char contacaminho[80]="contas/",linha[80], cpf2[14];
int id = 1;

//Concatenho com a pasta e o numero do cpf para carregar os dados
//strcpy(contacaminho, "contas/");
strcat(contacaminho, cpf2);

//Crio uma variavel do tipo FILE para ler o arquivo
FILE *arquivo = fopen(contacaminho,"r");

//Crio um laço de repetição para ler o arquivo
while(fgets(linha, 80, arquivo) != NULL)
    if(id == line)
        // Paro o laço de repetição e mantenho o valor da variavel.
    id++; // Aumento o valor da chave identificadora em + 1;

fclose(arquivo); // Fecho o arquivo

return linha; // retorno as infromações
  • This question is about objective-c or c?

  • 1

    I put the tag Objective C since you quote in the title, but make sure it has something to do with this language?

  • 1

    "It harms my whole code" can mean a lot. Be clearer: what do you expect to happen? What’s going on?

  • .c is the extension saved, on the "harm" is the following I hope to concatenate the value ai as it comes with n it does not show the other concatenated data because I am using the system() command and give a title for example.

  • Sorry more has nothing to do pmg, the guy is using a fgets I’m reading a text file.

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1 answer


You can use strtok:

while(fgets(linha, 80, arquivo) != NULL)
    strtok(linha, "\n");
    //...resto do seu código

Or even leave for the brute force:

while(fgets(linha, 80, arquivo) != NULL)
    size_t pos = strlen(linha) - 1;
    if (linha[pos] == '\n')
        linha[pos] = '\0';
    //...resto do seu código
  • Sergio I’ll take the test today as soon as I get home from college, if it works I’ll let you know thank you.

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