GIT and Jenkins branch check time


Viewed 159 times


Good afternoon to all.

I built an integration between GIT and Jenkins so that builds run with publish parameters on application servers.

Then I set the GIT plugin to the project path and on Branch Specifier (Blank for 'any') the branch master and on 'Periodically Consult SCM' I set up to check for changes one in a minute.

Is there a way to get builds to be generated only with changes to the GIT project, that is, when the dev changes and commits? And so remove that branch check from the SCM every minute?

1 answer


you can configure webhook from your git server so that every push is fired into your Jenkins a request so that it can perform the task,detail if using your localhost Jenkins you have to use some mechanism to expose your ip to be able to receive the webhook request through a Tunnel in case I used

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