Factorial function does not return


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I need to use function in C but is not returning the factorial.

Problem:"Given an integer n, calculate its factorial n!. The factorial of a number is given by the equation:

n! = n(n1)(n2) : : : 1. Por definição, 0! = 1.

You must implement the function:

1 /** 2 * Function that calculates the factorial of a number n
3 * @param n a positive integer
4 * @re-factorial of n
5 */
6 unsigned long int fat( unsigned int n);

Input The program must read an integer number n. Output The program must display a line with the message: "n! = f", where n is the number read e f its factorial. Observations The factorial of a number is the result of a productive operation that can lead to incredibly high values great. Remember to use appropriate data types to the problem proposed."

My code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

unsigned long int fat( unsigned int n){
  int x,fatorial,resultado1;

  for(fatorial = 0; x > 1; x = (x - 1)){
    fatorial = (fatorial * x);
    return resultado1;

int main(){
  int numero,resultado;


    resultado = fat(numero);
  printf("%d! =  %d",numero,resultado);

    return 0;


2 answers


The code is confusing, disorganized and has too many things. But the main problem is mixing concepts without criterion. The statement demonstrates what it has to do. The factorial is a number multiplied once followed by another by a sequence of numbers. This sequence goes from 1 to the specified N. So the loop is very simple, it goes from 1 to N, it is in the statement. And the multiplication is the initial value of 1 (the basic unit) by that value being incremented. Only this.

There was also a formatting problem on printf().

I suggest understanding the mechanisms of language in a more basic way before using them. I mean, knowing each character of the for and other things. Because you’re putting everything. Don’t do anything without discretion, without being able to explain why you’re doing it. Do not put a comma, a space without a justification. The same omit certain things.

#include <stdio.h>

unsigned long int fat(unsigned int n) {
    int fatorial = 1;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) fatorial *= i;
    return fatorial;

int main() {
    int numero;
    scanf("%d", &numero);
    printf("%d! = %ld", numero, fat(numero));

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.


I think it’s easier this way: he checks the condition, if it’s true do what’s left of ':'. If not, then do what’s right of ':'.

int fatorial(int num){
    return (num>0) ? num*fatorial(num-1) : 1;

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