Convert string to XML


Viewed 955 times


Consider the table:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

In the Behind code, I cannot convert a string into an xml

  modCamadaOperacao objModCamada = new modCamadaOperacao();
  objModCamada.idCamadaOperacao = idCamada; 
  objModCamada.xmlCamadaOperacao = serializer.Xml; // XML_CAMADA_OPERACAO

In this case the string is the serializer.Xml

the error that returns is:

Cannot implicity Convert type string to system.xml.Xmldocument

  • 1

    Those who are negative please speak up, because I see no reason for this.

1 answer


Try using this conversion.

public static class Serializa
    public static string SerializaParaString<T>(this T valor)
        XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(valor.GetType());
        StringWriter retorno = new StringWriter();
        xml.Serialize(retorno, valor);
        return retorno.ToString();

    public static object DeserializaParaObjeto(string valor, Type tipo)
        XmlSerializer xml = new XmlSerializer(tipo);
        var valorSerealizado = new StringReader(valor);
        return xml.Deserialize(valorSerealizado);

Call for conversion methods:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var stringParaSerializar = "Frase Qualquer";

        var valor = Serializa.SerializaParaString(stringParaSerializar);




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<string>Frase Qualquer</string>

More information about serializing and deserializar XML objects to string: C# - Serializing Objects for String and vice versa

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