Why don’t my strings concatenate correctly?


Viewed 50 times


I want to display information in the following format: last surname/first name. But it keeps skipping a line in the concatenation. At least, that’s what I think is happening...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

Objetivo: ler nome completo de uma pessoa e exibir, separado por uma barra, o último sobrenome e o primeiro nome
Entrada: Nome da pessoa
Saída: Ultimo sobrenome/Primeiro nome

#define MAX_NOME 256
#define ERRO printf("\nSo pode conter letras!\n");
void apresentaNome(char * nome);
void leValidaTexto(char * msg, char * msgErro, char nome[]);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    char nome[MAX_NOME];
    leValidaTexto("Digite o nome completo:", "\nTexto invalido!\n", nome);
    return 0;
void leValidaTexto(char * msg, char * msgErro, char nome[]){

    int flag = 1, i=0;
    int tam;

        printf("%s", msg);
        fgets(nome, MAX_NOME, stdin);
        tam = strlen(nome)-1;

            printf("%s", msgErro);
            flag = 0;
            for(i=0; i < tam; i++){
                    flag = 0;
                    flag = 1;


void apresentaNome(char * nome){
    int i=0, j=0, k=0, p=0;
    char nomeAux[MAX_NOME], nomeAux2[MAX_NOME];
    char nomeAux3[MAX_NOME];
    char c = ' ', d = ' ';
    for(i=strlen(nome)-1; i>=0; i--){
        if(nome[i] == ' '){

        c = nome[i];
        nomeAux[j] = c;

    //nomeAux[j] = '\0';
    //printf("%s", nomeAux);
        d = nomeAux[k];
        nomeAux2[p] = d;

    for(i=0; i < strlen(nome)-1; i++){
        while(nome[i]!= ' '){
            //printf("%c", nome[i]);
            nomeAux3[i] =nome[i];

    strcat(nomeAux, "/");
    printf("%s\n", strcat(nomeAux, nomeAux3));


1 answer


Well, I did not understand very well this problem I totally repeated it taking the ideas, well it does not accept numbers or spaces, to facilitate at the time of showing the names, I stored in an array of characters and showed the first and last name, any questions ask.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int verifica(char *frase);
void mostraNaTela(char *frase);
int main(int argc, char** argv)
   char nome[20];
   printf("Digite seu nome completo\n");
   scanf(" %[^\n]", nome);
   else mostraNaTela(nome);

    return 0;

int verifica(char *frase)
   int i;
   for(i = 0; i < strlen(frase); i++)
       if(!isalnum(frase[i]) && frase[i] != ' ')
          return 1;
       else if(frase[i] >= '0' && frase[i] <= '9')
          return 1;
    return 0;

void mostraNaTela(char *frase)
   char nomes[30][30];
   char *ptr;
   int cont = 0;
   ptr = strtok(frase, " ");
   while(ptr != NULL)
      strcpy(nomes[cont++], ptr);
      ptr = strtok(NULL, " ");
    printf("%s\\%s\n", nomes[0], nomes[cont - 1]);
  • 1

    That’s basically it, Rafael. The only thing that came out different was the way out. First name/last name; the problem asked last name/first name. Got it? I tried to do without using pointer and other functions just to train my logic, which is not the best.

  • 1

    I just don’t understand why this question received so many negative reviews. Anyway, thanks a lot, man!

  • For nothing, regarding the negativity of the question was not very well explained, give next time explain better.

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