MYSQL - Check if PK exists if it does UPDATE if it does not exist


Viewed 397 times


I didn’t want to have to do two transactions in the database, currently I’ve been doing SELECT first to know if the record already exists in the table, then I do either INSERT or UPDATE depending on the case, would you like to do despite a transaction is possible? something like INSERT .... IF NOT EXISTS THEN UPDATE ... ?

  • Are you using a framework? What language? In the Laravel has a method called Createorupdate, checks if it has the record and if it does not have according to the condition it creates.

  • Or you can create a Trigger

2 answers


  • 1

    exactly what I was looking for, although I find strange the log show me 2 Row(s) affected when there is already the record, I think Mysql is the one who gets the service p/me ta valendo, thanks!

  • @Sneepsninja I think this question of the log show "2 Row(s)" would make a great new technical question for the great connoisseurs! rs


It may be interesting REPLACE INTO

It works like INSERT only when it finds a PK or Uniquekey, the old line is removed and then the new one is inserted.

Example of use:

REPLACE INTO test VALUES (1, 'New', '2014-08-20 18:47:42');

Partitioning and locking (partitioning and Locking)

The REPLACE INTO locks only partitions with lines to be inserted or replaced. However, if an AUTO_INCREMENT value is generated for any partitioning column, all partitions will be locked.

  • 1

    Sqlfiddle with the 2 examples.

  • I found it interesting too

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