update from a vehicle plate code


Viewed 56 times


I have 4 tables, the problem is that I have in the table the white color and I want to change the color only of a car that has the white color, changes of all cars with the white color.

update tb_veiculo v join tb_marca_veiculo ma on v.cd_marca_veiculo=ma.cd_marca_veiculo join tb_modelo_veiculo m on ma.cd_marca_veiculo=m.cd_marca_veiculo join tb_cor_veiculo c on m.cd_cor_veiculo=c.cd_cor_veiculo set m.cd_cor_veiculo='1' where m.cd_cor_veiculo='0' and v.cd_placa_veiculo='BBB002';


2 answers


This is because you are setting the color in a table that has a relationship with the tb_modelo_vehicle table. Just when you update the color table, the table tb_modelo_vehicular, which has a fk for the table tb_cor_vehicular, references this color for all related models. To define the color of a specific vehicle, you would have to reshape your tables and post a reference for the table tb_vehicle in the table tb_vehicle instead of tb_vehicle. So you could do the following update:

UPDATE tb_veiculo v set v.cd_cor_veiculo = 1
where v.cd_placa_veiculo = 'BBB002';


On the line of update use the clause WHERE to filter what you are wanting. In case, change only white color.

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